2 Theatre

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Link to  John O' Donnel "The Gifted Actor and Tenor" in Rollicking Shannon - "Kiss That, You Spalpeen!"USA, 1912  Product
John O' Donnel "The Gifted Actor and Tenor" in Rollicking Shannon - "Kiss That, You Spalpeen!" Product Link
USA, 1912
30 x 20 in (76 x 51 cm)
Link to  La Petite Goualeuse Piece Comico Dramatique de MM Rives & Valerien TranelFrance, C. 1895  Product
La Petite Goualeuse Piece Comico Dramatique de MM Rives & Valerien Tranel Product Link
France, C. 1895
32 x 23 in (81 x 58 cm)